Thema des Monats
Die meisten Infektionskrankheiten, die Menschen betreffen, stammen ursprünglich von Tieren. Das neuartige Coronavirus stammt ursprünglich vermutlich von Fledermäusen. Wie hängt die Übertragung von Krankheiten von Tieren auf den Menschen mit menschlichen Eingriffen in Ökosysteme zusammen? Die Unterrichtsvorschläge für Sekundarstufe und Grundschule sind sowohl für den Präsenzunterricht als auch den Fernunterricht geeignet.
Das Thema der Woche in anderen Sprachen:
Teaching resources and background information in English Matériel pédagogique et information en français
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What are zoonotic diseases? How are they caused? And how do humans influence the risk of transmission? Using the interview for guidance, the students find answers to these questions and produce a definition of the term "zoonotic disease".
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Do blue fever, kangaroo hiccups and rabies really exist? A quiz aims to raise students’ awareness of zoonotic diseases. By arranging texts and photos in the correct order, they gain an understanding of how infectious diseases are transmitted from animals to humans.
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What do the coronavirus, plague, Ebola and many other infectious diseases have in common? In this task, the students analyse an interview with a scientist about zoonotic diseases. They find out that the coronavirus originated in animals. They develop their own ideas on how the risk of zoonotic diseases can be reduced. This lesson plan is suitable for classroom teaching and online learning at home.
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There are many other diseases, besides COVID-19, which prove that humans can catch "animal diseases". By completing a quiz and a text and photo matching exercise, the students explore exactly how transmission takes place and the role humans play in this context. This lesson plan is suitable for classroom teaching and online learning at home.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has focused attention on the fact that most infectious diseases originate from animals. According to experts, more of these diseases can be expected in future. The reasons for this lie in human interaction with nature.
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